Playground Politics posted an Assembly Democrat campaign document today that was reportedly discovered in the state capitol. As you can see the document entitled
Agenda for Meeting with Speaker is clearly a campaign document and had no busisness being in the state capitol. This begs the question, were Assembly Democrats campaigning on state time and the taxpayers' dime, and was Rep. Garthwaite involved as this document seems to indicate?
I would certainly hope that the Republican Party of Wisconsin will soon file an open records request for the calendars of Speaker Mike Sheridan, Rep. Garthwaite, and the other Assemblyman mentioned in the document. If these meetings are taking place in the State Capitol then we have here a clear violation of the public trust and state law.
Why wait for the Rep party? We the people have to take things in hand ourselves! The Reps and Dems are two halves of a trap, to ensnare the ordinary citizens. Watch "The Fall of the Republic" if you don't believe me.